
Transactional emails

Learn about Transactional Emails in AcceleratorApp



Transactional Emails

Getting to the email section

From the sidebar menu click on Set Up > Assets > Emails. From the email setting page, you see all the transactional emails sent to you and other users on behalf of your incubator/accelerator from AcceleratorApp. In the top section, you will see the Email Design Templates and below that, you will see all emails being sent.

Getting to the email section

Email Design Template

From here you will be able to create and customize the design of the emails, then you will be able to apply it to your transactional emails. Learn more about Setting up your email templates here.

Types of Transactional Email in AcceleratorApp

Account Management

These are the transactional emails that are directly related to the management of each user's account. They will be sent to all users, in general, when:

  • Forget Password: email that is sent to a user requesting a password change. By clicking on the button in this email, they will be lead to a page to change their password.
  • Confirmation Password Changed: email that is sent to a user who changed his password. This email confirms that the password was changed. There will be no action required from the recipient of this email.
  • Application Deleted: email that is sent to a user who deleted his/her own application.
  • Application Deleted Mail to Assigned Staff: email that is sent to Assigned Staff when a user deletes his/her own application only if the status of the application was not draft.
  • Email Address Confirmation: email that is sent to the users when they want to update their email address.

Application Process

In this section, you will find the emails that your applicants will receive when they are applying to one of your Applications Process. General Emails that all applicants will receive:

  • Applicant Account Activation: email that is sent to a user who begins the application process. The user will need to confirm his email address by pressing the button in this email before he/she can fill the application form.
  • Invitation To Set A Meeting, To Applicants: email that is sent to the applicant to schedule a meeting with you. This email is sent upon the button sends a meeting invitation.
  • Confirmation Meeting Booked, Applicant: email that is sent to the applicant who booked the meeting. This email is sent immediately after the meeting has been confirmed.
  • Confirmation Meeting Booked, Host Of An Application Process: this email is sent immediately after the meeting has been confirmed to the host of the meeting that was just booked.
  • Canceled Interview In Application Process: email that is sent to the applicant when the interviewer cancels the meeting he/she was supposed to have
  • Email Sent To Applicant To Fill New Form: email that is sent to an applicant that needs to fill a new application form as part of the application process. In a specified round, the requirements include him/her to fill a new application form which completes the information provided at the beginning of the process.

Emails generated from the creation of an application funnel. Only applicants for that funnel will receive the following emails:

  • Confirmation application submitted (Name of the Funnel): email that is sent to a user who submits their application to your organization in a funnel in specific. It confirms that you have received their application. There will be no action required from the recipient of this email.
  • Instruction Email For Round (N) Of Name of the Funnel: Email that is sent to a user that was moved from a previous to this round in a funnel in specific. This email is sent before any of the requirements of this round are executed.
  • Acceptance Email (Name of the Program): email that is sent to an applicant that is accepted into the program "Name of the Program". Each program has its own acceptance email.


Here you will find the e-mails that will be sent to the Startups of your organization:

  • Confirmation Meeting Booked: email that is sent to a startup when books a meeting with staff, coach, mentor, expert or admin.
  • Meeting Change (From Coach, Or Reviewer), Please Reschedule This Meeting: email that is sent to the startup when the host of a meeting (for startups or application review), needs to cancel the meeting and reschedule. The recipient of this email will be informed of that and will be invited to reschedule his/her meeting with the host based on the host availability.
  • Data Collection Email: email that is sent to a startup when it is needed that they update their data. The frequency of the update is set up by your metrics settings. You can also set up when this update is required within the frequency you are set up.
  • Program Change Email (Per Program): email that is sent to a startup that is moved from one program to another. This is essentially an internal acceptance email. There is an internal email acceptance email per program.
  • New Mentor Assignation Email (Founder & Mentor): email that is sent to a mentor and a startup when they are matched in the platform. We highly encourage you to give a few tips about mentorship in this email.
  • Group Event Registration Confirmation: email that is sent to a user that registers for a group event.
  • Group Event Registration Confirmation For Host(S): email that is sent to the host when he has no calendar integration and an event is created with him/her.
  • Group Event Update: email that is sent to all users registered when there are changes to a group event are published.
  • Unregistration Confirmation For Attendees Of A Group Event: email that is sent to a user that cancels his registration from a group event. This email confirms that the cancellation of the registration was completed.
  • Group Event Unregistration Of Attendee By Other Users: email that is sent to a user canceling his registration when other users with permission deregister an attendee from a group event. This email informs the attendee of the unregistration.
  • Group Event Cancellation: email that is sent to attendees and hosts of a group even when the event is canceled.
  • One On One Registration: email that is sent to a user that books a one on one event.
  • One On One Registration For Host: email that is sent to the Host when a user books a one on one event with him/her.
  • One On One Update: email that is sent to all users registered in this event when changes to a one on one are made.
  • One On One Cancelled By Attendee To Attendee: email that is sent to the attendee(s) of the one on one when another attendee cancels the event.
  • One On One Cancelled By Attendee To Host: email that is sent to the host(s) of the one on one meeting when an attendee cancels the meeting.
  • One On One Cancelled By Host To Attendee: email that is sent to the attendee(s) of the meeting when a host of a one on one meeting cancels the meeting.
  • One On One Cancelled By Host To Host: email that is sent to a host of a one on one meeting when another host cancels the meeting.


  • Notification Digest On AcceleratorApp: this email is sent daily to users to inform of their notifications summary for the day

On-Boarding Process

  • User Role Account Invitation: Email that is sent to a user when is invited to join your instance of AcceleratorApp to become a user of type in Specific. You have an email per role. ( Co-Founder, Community Member, Admin, Admin&Coach, Sub-admin, Coach, Staff, Mentor, Expert and Evaluator)
  • Join My Startup As Founder Account Invitation: email that is sent to a founder of a startup already on your instance of AcceleratorApp invites a founder to join his/her startup. This new user will become a founder of that same startup.

Rejection Emails

The Email that is sent to an applicant when is rejected. You can create as many different types of rejection emails. To create them click on the add rejection email icon with a green +.
