
General Settings

Learn how setup your General Settings on AcceleratorApp




To access your General Settings you just have to click on the gear icon located on the lower left side of the app. From that section you can configure the name of your organization, currency, languages, timezone and so on.

General Settings Elements

Name of your Incubator & Accelerator: You can change this name whenever you want and it is important since this will be the name of the sender of the emails that are sent from the platform to your users

Date format for emails: from here you can choose which format will be better for your emails.

Currency: this the currrency that will be use to collect your metrics.

Default Language: You can define a default language for all your users, and the login page for applicants or when users log in for the first time will be displayed with the default language. However, each user can change their language from their settings.

Timezone: You can establish from here a timezone for the entire platform in general, although each user can choose their own timezone from their settings.

General & Support Email Address: The general email is used to redirect the responses that users give to transactional emails and the support email is the one that is provided to users when they click on the support button

Address of your Head Quarters: This address will be added at the end of each email sent from AcceleratorApp

Your own terms & services: If you want each user who creates an account in AcceleratorApp to accept your terms & services, you can add them from here and it will be a required checkbox when they create their account.

Custom button on the login page: In this section, you will be able to add an extra button to the login page. You can add the text of the button, the link where the button will take you, and the color style.

General Settings
