How to Create a Program?
Learn how to create a program in AcceleratorApp.
Introduction to Programs
The Programs in AcceleratorApp functions as a grouping system, allowing administrators to organize startups and users into distinct cohorts. Programs facilitate tailored support frameworks, enabling targeted resources, tracking, and management for each group.
This feature is essential for segmenting participants, aligning them with specific goals, and tracking metrics relevant to each unique program.
Programs solve the challenge of managing diverse groups within an incubator or accelerator. For example, you might create separate programs for early-stage startups, growth-stage startups, or community-focused initiatives, each with dedicated resources, events, courses, communication, and metrics.
Program administrators benefit by having a streamlined way to organize and support different types of participants based on their unique needs.
Filling in Program Details:
- Name and Short Name: Enter a unique name and short name for the program.
- Select Program Type: Choose Startup for startup-focused programs or User for user-centric ones. Startup programs can only include startups, while User programs are for other community members.
- Add Program Admin: Assign an administrator for the program. This can only be Admin, sub-admin, or Admin&Coach role.
- Connect Network Users: Select team members (e.g., mentors, experts,) to be part of this program.
- Assign Metrics: Choose metrics to track for this program. Learn more about assigning metrics here.
- Edit Acceptance Email: Customize the email that will be sent to applicants who are accepted into the program.
- Add an Evaluation Assignation: There's the option to assign an evaluation form, evaluation criteria, and set visibility restrictions.
Where to Create Programs
To access and create programs, go to Startups in the top menu and select Programs. This page displays an overview of existing programs and includes options for creating, editing, or deleting programs.
Step-by-Step Actions to Create a Program
STEP 1: Click on Startups from the top menu or the Home Page.
STEP 2: Click on Programs.
STEP 3: Click on Create New Program.
STEP 4: Add the Program details and click Save.
Step-by-Step Actions to Edit a Program
STEP 1: Click on Startups from the top menu or the Home Page.
STEP 2: Click on Programs.
STEP 3: Click on the Edit icon new to the Program Name.
STEP 4: Click Edit Acceptance Email to change the email applicants will receive when accepted into a program.
STEP 5: Click Edit an Evaluation Assignation to change the evaluation forms and assignations
Tips & Best Practices:
- Ensure each program has a unique name to avoid confusion.
- Regularly review team assignments to keep program participants updated.
- Customize acceptance emails to welcome startups or users with tailored information about the program.