How to Link Your Calendar?
A guide on how to link your calendar to the Accelerator App to manage your availability.
Linking Your Calendar
Linking your Calendar allows you to manage your availability. The two-way sync grants access to your Google or Microsoft calendar. From there, you can create, edit, or delete events - these will appear in both the Accelerator App and the Google or Microsoft calendar to prevent double bookings. The calendar is updated as frequently as it fetches the data. The details from your calendar are not visible in the AcceleratorApp calendar.
Getting to the Calendar Settings
From the home page, click on Calendar. The other option is to click on the Menu icon, click on Profile, and click on Your Scheduling offering to Edit Your Recurring Availability Settings.
Step-by-Step Actions
STEP 1: Click on the Profile Icon.
STEP 2: Click on Preferences.
STEP 3: Click on User Integrations.
STEP 4: Click on either Google or Microsoft.
Tips & Best Practices:
- Encourage mentors to keep their availability updated for coaching sessions and events.
- Add a link to a virtual meeting platform like Zoom.