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Scheduling a meeting from a coaching invitation

Learn how to schedule a meeting from a coaching invitation on AcceleratorApp

Scheduling a meeting from a coaching invitation

As a startup founder, you may receive emails to schedule meetings with various coaches, mentors, experts, or other users in your community. The email will have a call to action to select a time slot from the availability of the person you will meet.


Scheduling Meetings

Once you receive an in-app notification or email containing the meeting invitation, click on the call to action, such as Schedule your Meeting. The button's name may vary as it can be modified by the person sending the invitation.

Once you click on the button, you will be directed to your default browser, where you will see the available dates offered by the meeting host. Once you select a date, you will be shown available times. Once selected, your selection will create the meeting between you and the host of the meeting. The calendar integration will kick in, and you should either be invited by the coach or be sent an email with the calendar event CSV, depending on whether the host has integrated their calendar. The meeting host will also receive an email to confirm your selection.


Start Meeting

When you meet with the meeting host, we encourage you to use the coaching session tool to help you track the progress of your meetings and keep your notes all in one easy place for review.