
Evaluation Criteria

Discover what Evaluation Criteria are and how to use them.

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Criteria, found in Setup => Taxonomy are functional labels, similar to Programs and Tags, which allow you to categorize events and create Evaluation Criteria-specific Scorecards for Coaching/Mentoring sessions.


Choose your Evaluation Criteria

The First step is to set up all the Evaluation Criteria you'll want to use. These can include any subject you'll want your startups to learn about or be evaluated on.



When creating an event, you can select from the Event Topic dropdown any Evaluation Criteria you want to be applied to the event. These are searchable from the events Calendar page, where it says Search Events, allowing users to find events on subjects of interest.



Creating Scorecards

The first step in creating scorecards is to create an Evaluation Form in Forms Settings that you'll want to associate with an Evaluation Criteria. Then, navigate through Admin Panel > Programs/Coaching Settings and select the Evaluation Parameters tab. You can decide to Create New Evaluation Form from here, or click the blue New Evaluation Parameter to use an existing form.

Select who you want this form to be used to evaluate, then decide on the settings for the form. To associate, a form with a Evaluation Criteria, select Yes under Is this form specific to a subject. A dropdown menu will appear where you will choose the subject of the Evaluation Criteria you created in your General Settings.

Using Subject-Specific Scorecards

When in a Coaching or Mentoring session, above the notes is a section that says select the Evaluation Criteria covered in the meeting. Here, each Evaluation Criteria is listed. Users can select the Criteria covered, and any Criteria that have forms associated with them will attach the corresponding form to the session. This form is then used to evaluate the Startups or Community Member on that Criteria by using the evaluation form created for that purpose.