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Privacy Notice @ AcceleratorApp

We, at AcceleratorApp, Ltd. (“We”, “AcceleratorApp”), understand that respecting your privacy and being transparent about how we use, collect, disclose or otherwise handle your personal data is essential to build a relation of trust with you.

We wrote this Privacy Notice to explain how we use your personal data when you are

  1. navigating our website (www.acceleratorapp.co);
  2. using our web application and services (the “Services”) or
  3. communicating with us through other channels, such as social media or e-mails.

The Privacy Policy also contains instructions on managing your preferences and exercising your rights.

This Privacy Policy forms part of our Terms of Use. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you should not use this website or our web application.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us:
Privacy Officer

If you want to learn more about our use of cookies, please refer to our Cookie Notice.

As a participant of the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), we adhere to DAA’s Interest-Based Advertising principles by providing you enhanced notice, transparency and control of our digital marketing practices as stated at: http://www.aboutads.info/principles/

We do not conduct interest-based advertising as part of the Services. This means that we do not collect personal data for interest-based advertising while a user is connected in the secure portal of our web application. Interest-based advertising only occurs on our website, and only for website users who have accepted targeting cookies.

Please see our Cookie Notice for more explanations on how we conduct interest-based advertising and how you can opt-out.


Key terms.

We use the term “user” to refer to an authorized user provided with a licence by a customer to access our services, including any applicants provided with guest licences by a customer. “Customer” include accelerators and incubators, as well as similar organizational which have executed a Master Subscription Agreement with us.

We use the term “website user” to refer to someone who is navigating our website, regardless of whether that person has subscribed to our web application or has access to our web application.

What does personal data mean?

What types of personal data do you process, and for what purposes?

Do you share my personal data with third parties?

Where do you store my personal data?

How long do we store personal data?

How do we protect the personal data that we are entrusted with?

Can I withdraw my consent to receive newsletters?

Do you respond to Do Not Track signals?

How can I delete my account?

What are my rights regarding my personal data?