DocsApplicantGetting Started

Getting started as an applicant

Your first day using AcceleratorApp. First congratulations on take a step towards applying to an organization that can support you in your growth!

Getting Started 

Your first day using AcceleratorApp. First congratulations on take a step towards applying to an organization that can support you in your growth!


Creating your account

Your first step will be to create your account and validate your email. You will need to fill the core form with the following information First Name, Last Name, and Email. You will also have to select a password. This password cannot be obvious, and we recommend you mix small and big letters, add numbers, and other characters. If you are applying as a startup, you will also have to select a Startup Name. Once completed, select the checkbox for privacy and services and then press Next. You will then have to validate your email by pressing the validation button in the email that we will send you.




Submitting your application

Second, you will need to submit your application to your incubator, accelerator, or the organization to which you want to submit. You can see more details about the process of submitting your application here.

What next?

Once you have created and submitted your application, we recommend you set up your profile. An up to date profile will help the incubator, accelerator, or the organization you are submitting your application to know you better and increase your chances of being selected. To know more about how to set up your profile, click here.

Depending on options, your incubator, accelerator, or organization, you are submitting your application have selected, you will have information about the steps of selection and where you are in that process from the Application Section.

You will also receive notification and emails from us, so make sure we are not in your spam folder and add the email address in your contact information.