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Custom fields

Alain Readman ValiquetteCEOOct 14, 2020 5 minutes

Your data, your way.

Goals, objectives, and requirements vary widely from one incubator and accelerator to the next. Even within a single organization, the differences between programs can be vast.

That’s why we’re bringing you Custom Fields — a new update which gives you significantly more control over your startup and user profiles, allowing you to collect and report exactly the information that matters to YOU.

See what the leading Accelerator Software can do for you!

Startup Profile — User Profile


Your organization likely has unique requirements that necessitate you track and report on Startup and User attributes that are critical to your operational success. You will now be able to determine what those are, both across your organization and within each program.


Previously, Company Info in a Startup File was fixed. Not anymore. Now you determine the information you’re storing about each venture.

This will allow you to collect and track the data about your companies that you need for reporting, to better secure funding and understand portfolio performance.


The fields in a user’s profile, except Skills, have until now been fixed. With the update, you can choose the information you’re collecting about each user to ensure you’re tracking the information you need about each type of individual your network.

Qualitative information about founders are increasingly more important in today’s world, and custom fields will allow you to choose exactly what you want to keep track of.

Global vs Specific


For each type of profile you will be able to have different fields in different programs and for different users. Certain fields can be global, and some specific. This allows you to ensure you’re collecting all the information you need from each user and startup, while avoiding asking anyone for anything extraneous.



Who can see the information you’re collecting is just as important as gathering it in the first place. The way you determine visibility in other parts of AcceleratorApp is the same way you determine visibility of each custom field. A user will simply fill out their profile, but information you deem sensitive can remain hidden to those who shouldn’t have access.



To top it all off, you can choose to make certain fields required. Marking fields as required will generate a task that will be automatically checked off a user’s list only when they fill all required fields, so you can rest assured that AcceleratorApp is collecting the information you decide you need—so you don’t have to.

And… voila!


Looking Ahead

We’re very excited to provide you with more flexibility. Custom Fields is powerful itself, but also lays the groundwork for some exciting updates in the near future. We’re committed to giving you more control of how you run your incubator/accelerator with AcceleratorApp.


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