Zapier integration
How to integrate AcceleratorApp with external apps through Zapier
Integrating with External Applications
AcceleratorApp uses Zapier to integrate with a plethora of external apps.
Using Zapier
First, you need to create a Zapier account. Use this link to sign up and access the AcceleratorApp integration (by invitation only).
Creating a Zap
Access Zapier's own documentation here.
The process's first step is to decide where you want data to flow. Suppose it's from AcceleratorApp to another app. In that case, you will choose AcceleratorApp as the trigger and select the specific trigger event that you want to trigger an action in an external app:
You will then be prompted to input your credentials. You can find your credentials by navigating to Account > Settings > Integrations. Scroll down to copy your Incubator Slug and API key.
After confirming the trigger, you can choose step two, an action in the external app. You will be prompted to sign into that external app and select the specific action event you want to be performed.
If you want a trigger from an external app to cause an action in AcceleratorApp, follow the same steps, but start with the external app in step 1.