DocsAccelerator/IncubatorOrganization Settings

Resources in AcceleratorApp

Create Resources for your community

Important Links, Documents, and Articles for your Community

Make perks, benefits, recordings, shared drives, documents, and articles where you can embed videos, files, audio, and anything else on the web available to your community. You can make them available from the Resources section and control access by role, tags, industries, and programs.


Adding Sections

Navigate to the Resources section and click on the button Add Section; you can add the title and description of the section and then save


Adding Resources (links or files)

After you have created the Sections, you can develop Resources. First, you must click on the Add New Resource button, and you will be able to add:

  • Name: This is how the link will be displayed in the navigation menu.
  • URL: The link to the website to which the name will point.
  • Files: Where you can upload attachments that will be downloadable and viewable.
  • Description: Here is where you can add more information about the link.
  • Section: You can select the section to which the resource (link) will belong.
  • Restrict access to this resource: This allows you to filter the visibility of the resources by user role, industry, program, and tags.




Adding Resources (Articles)

First, in the Setup menu, you will have a section called Articles, from where you can create, view, and manage all the articles.


Creating an article

From the Article section, you will find a blue button called Create New Article. If you click on it, you will go to the article builder. Also, if you go to your Resources section and hit the button Add New Resource, you can select the type of resource article and select the ones you have created or click on Create New Article.




Elements for articles

Once you are in the article builder, by adding the symbol /, you can add the following:


  • Headings: The articles' titles and subtitles are in different sizes.
  • Text box: Where you can add plain text.
  • Numbered list: Where you can create lists with numbering.
  • Bulleted list: Where you can create bulleted lists.


  • Videos: You can embed videos from different sources.
  • Images: You can upload or embed images from your computer.
  • Audios: Where you can embed audio from different sources.
  • Attachments: You can upload or embed attachments from your computer.


article elements.jpg


After the article is created and published, you can share it with your community in the resources section by clicking the Add New Resource button, then select the article type and create a new article or select one of those that have already been published and continue adding the elements like:

  • Description: Here is where you can add more information about the link.
  • Section: Here, you can select the section to which the resource (link) will belong.
  • Restrict access to this resource: This allows you to filter the visibility of the resources by user role, industry, program, and tags.