Activity feed - Overview

How to use the the main activity feed in AcceleratorApp


In the side menu, you will find a section called Activity Feed. Clicking there will display all the activities happening within the platform between startups and their mentors/experts/coaches.

The information will be organized in a table with columns indicating the type of activity, what is happening, details of the activity, status, and when it was generated.



You can use different filters to better classify and manage all the data reflected in the Activity Feed. The filters available are by creation date, program, tag, and activity type.

Type of activities

The activities that are displayed in the Activity Feed are:

  • Meetings: Every time a startup or user has a meeting with a mentor/ expert/coach.
  • Programs: This activity is displayed every time there is a program assignation or de-assignation for users and/or startups
  • Invitation: Every time a mentor/expert/coach sends an invitation to any startup to have a meeting. To know more about sending invitations to meet.
  • Scheduling: when a startup books a meeting with a mentor/expert/coach
  • Event: every time an event is published for the community.

You can expand the information related to each activity by clicking on the 3 vertical dots located on the far right of it.

Combining filters

It is important to note that filters can be combined using the button and located next to each filter; that way, you can be more specific with the information you are looking for. For example, you can use the activity type filter and then combine it with the program filter, as you can see in the image below:

Note: Click on the button clear if you want to use another type of filters.
