Events management - Incubator

Learn how to manage events as an incubator

Events Management

Managing events helps facilitate interaction between the network and startups and in delivering services to the community.


Who can manage the events?

Admin can visualize, create, delete and edit all events.


Events Dashboard

Events can be viewed and managed in 4 ways:

  • Event Feed: You see all the events that are happening now and in the future
  • My events: You see all the events you are hosting or attending
  • Event planning: You can visualize all the "Published", "Draft", "Pending host availabilities" or "Archived" events
  • Unpublished events: You can see the events "Created by me", "Me as a host", "All", "Archived", "Draft", or "Pending hosts availabilities".

Note: Only Admin can visualize and edit event planning and unpublished events dashboards

To facilitate your search, you can use the following tools :

  • Filter the event by the host, topic, type, tag and creation.
  • Visualize the events by feed or calendar by clicking the calendar icon to change the display mode.
  • Select past or today onwards.


Events Management.png


Deleting events

To delete an event, published or not, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the red delete event button. Then, confirm that you are deleting the event. The person who booked this event will receive a notification and an email with the event cancellation.


Delete Events.png


Visualizing Attendance

For each event, you have access to the attendee's list; clicking on Attendees where you can:

  • View the list of all users who have reserved spots. You can select the information you want to see in columns and the fields in which you want to appear in the overall information. To facilitate the information search, you can use some visualization filters:
  • Sort the list by registration date, name, startup, last name, role or appointment time.
  • Visualize the list by targeted or registered users.
  • From the list, you can mark the user as attending or not by clicking on the yellow mark as attending button in the same row as the user name.
  • You can also schedule a one-on-one meeting with this user by clicking the yellow go-to-meeting button. You will be redirected to a coaching session page.
  • You can download the data as an Excel or CSV file.


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