DocsAccelerator/IncubatorApplication Settings

Creating an application funnel

Learn how to create your application funnel and selection process in AcceleratorApp

First Things First

To successfully create an application funnel, you must have already created the forms you will use. To do this, navigate to Setup Menu > Forms and click the blue Create New Form button. Once your form is completed, ensure it has the blue published banner.

Creating a Funnel

In the left side menu, navigate to Applications and Funnels. Click the blue + Add Application Funnel on the top left to create a new one.

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Funnel Settings

You will now be on the funnel setting page. The selections here will apply to the entire funnel. Your first choice is to select the type of category. You can choose Startup when startups or projects are applying and Community Member for those not yet associated with a startup or project.

The name of the service people will apply to is the funnel's name and will appear to the applicant as "You are applying for [Name]" when creating their account.

Select the application form, is where you choose a previously created Application form that the applicants to this funnel will use.

Re-apply option is where you can allow candidates to reapply, always after a period of time or on a specific date.

Deadline date is where you can set the exact date and time to automatically close the application funnel. No new applications will be received, and those that are still in draft status will also be archived.


Funnel Application Steps

The next page provides a step-by-step guide for creating your funnels. As you progress, you can add and configure new rounds and directly edit assets such as emails.

Step 1: Beginning of an application. The candidate clicks on the "application link" to begin their application. The candidates enter their name, email, and password and click next.

An email allowing users to validate their accounts is triggered to the candidate's email. You can customize that email from the same page.

Step 2: The candidate fills out the application form you selected when creating the funnel. If you change your mind, you can always change the form here.

Application Submitted email is sent to the candidate's email address to let them know their application was submitted successfully. That email is customizable by you from the same page.


Evaluation Rounds

You can now add the selection rounds and customize each step.

Adding an Evaluation/Selection Round

Click on Add Round to create a new selection round in your process. Each round allows you to take evaluation steps and make an accept or reject decision. When you accept an application in a selection round, the applicant moves to the following selection round, where they will be evaluated based on the setting of that next round. If you reject the candidate, the application is denied and the applicant will not continue to the following selection rounds.


Last Round/Final acceptation

When you accept an application from the last round, they will be officially accepted into your organization. From the acceptance modal, you will select the program(s) the candidate was accepted into and which tag(s) are best associated with this candidate.

Round Settings

Each round can be adapted to your needs by adding an action or an evaluation step.


Actions refer to the instructions in the email per round. If you add the action send email, an instruction email will be generated and automatically sent to applicants when they are moved into this round.


Add a form; if you add this step, applicants must fill out an additional form when they proceed into this round.

Add a meeting; if you add this step, you can:

  • Pre-assign the interviewers and select the individual(s) whose availability will be shown to the applicant. If the host has sufficient availability, the invitation will be sent automatically to applicants so they can choose their availability and book the meeting. If the interviewers don't have enough availability, you can add an automated action, send a task, or send a notification to the interviewer to remind them to add availability.
  • Assign interviewers later on a case-by-case basis. The funnel manager will select the interviewers from the application file. You can decide if you want to send a notification or task to the funnel manager to assign interviewers. Once an interviewer is set, the same process described above is triggered.
  • Set the meetings for a specific period, whether after a particular date or between certain dates.
  • Add the meeting duration to select how much time they will book for the meeting.
  • Customize all the meeting-related emails. A meeting invitation email is sent to the applicant, and two confirmation emails—one sent to the applicant and the other sent to the host—are sent. You can also customize the content and style of these emails.

Add an evaluation adding this step; you can:

  • Select the form used to evaluate this candidate, allowing you to create your evaluation scoring system. From here, you can assign evaluation forms you have already created or create new ones. Each form can also be mapped to evaluation criteria, allowing you to port this evaluation data to the Startup's assessment once and if accepted into your programs.
  • Pre-assign evaluators, with this option enabled, you will pre-assign the evaluators who will need to evaluate all applicants going through this round.
  • Assign evaluators later; if you select this option, you will choose evaluators on a case-by-case basis. Select this option if you are still determining who will evaluate or if the evaluators differ from Startup to Startup.

Funnel Settings

On the right side of your screen, you will find two tabs: 'Overview' and 'Settings.' The overview is where you can visualize the application funnel link and the summary of your application process. The settings are where you can visualize and change the core information of your funnel, such as the funnel's namereapply criteria, and choose the funnel admins.


Saving and Publishing

When you have chosen your setting for each round, hit the green button Save, and the funnel will be saved as a draft version. Click the blue-button publish when you are ready to use the funnel and launch your application call.

Toggles and Actions

Three toggles on each funnel can be switched between the options they offer.

  • Active (blue), Archived (red)— Active funnels can receive new applications, while archived funnels cannot. Archiving a funnel will archive applications currently in draft mode and block their ability to submit while allowing you to continue evaluating applications that have already been submitted.
  • Transparent process (blue), Hidden selection process(red)— The transparent process funnels are open for the applicant. They can see the number of rounds, will be emailed when they are moved from one round to the next, and can see the application tags they've been tagged with. The hidden selection process keeps the applicants in the dark until they've been accepted.
  • Accessible on main application page (blue), Accessible by direct link only (red) - Accessible on main application page funnels can be found in the dropdown of your primary application page;, while using the second option, the funnels can only be accessed via their direct link.

Also, on the right side of each funnel, you will find three icons that let you editduplicate, or delete the funnel.


Using the funnel

Link to application is the link you will put on your website behind your Apply button. Click it to copy. Open an incognito window in your browser and follow the link to see what your applicant will see. Go through the process by creating an account with a new email to test your work. If you need to edit the funnel, hit the edit icon on the upper right.