Custom fields - User and startup profiles

Learn how to customize fields for each startup and user profile

Custom Fields

The Custom Fields feature allows a greater level of personalization. You can decide on the fields that will go on startup and user profiles.


Visualizing and editing your fields

To access Custom Fields, navigate to Setup, and then click on Custom Fields. From this page, you will see an overview of the profile fields for startups and users: labels, field types, assignations, and visibility of each field.

To edit these fields select whether you want to edit the startup profiles or the user profile by choosing the right tab. Once in the right tab, click on the button Open Editor on the top right corner of the section. The editing of custom fields follows the same logic as that of the forms.


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  • To add a field, select a field type from the right and drag and drop them into place on your profile canvas.
  • To remove a field simply click on the garbage icon on the right of the field you wish to remove.
  • To change the order of the field drag and drop the field you want to move to the right location.
  • To add or modify the name of a field simply click on the name portion and type your selected name.
  • To add validation on the answers to that field click on Add validation/restriction rules for this question and then select the validation you want to add.
  • To add a description click on + Add Description and type in the information you want to add. This will help your user better understand what you are asking for in this field.
  • To make a field required click on the required switch on the top left side of the question once you added it on the profile canvas.


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Required questions

If you have made some questions required in your profile canvas the users who have to fill them will receive an automated task to that effect. The users will not be able to make the task as complete manually; it will auto-complete once they have filled all required fields in their profile.



Assignation of fields

Each field can be assigned to different users or different startups based on a few options.

User profile assignment

You may add a custom field to only selected user roles. To do so turn on the assignment mode while in User Profile editing to view these options on all the fields you have added to your profile canvas.


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From Appears on you will be able to select the user roles for which this field will apply. Select all the user roles that will be assigned to this field.


Startup profile assignment

You may add a custom field to only selected startups based on their program assignation. To do so turn on the assignment mode while in the Startup Profile editing to view these options on all the fields you have added to your startup canvas. Selecting none will apply to all user roles.

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From there you will be able to select the programs for which this field will apply. Select all the programs that will be assigned to this field. Selecting none will apply to all startups.


Publishing a new version of the fields

Before publishing this version, you can preview the fields by clicking the button preview:




Once you are done with the editing save and then publish your canvas by clicking on the green Save and then the blue Publish buttons which are located on the top right of your screen.

Your users will receive a notification to update their information:

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Once published

Once those fields published, the various users will be able to update them and you will be able to visualize this information on the profile accessible from the Community page as well as their files.

The startup files are accessible via the Startup Portfolio page and once in the file of the startup click on Company Info.


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Changes and Tasks

What happens when you make changes and how users are kept up-to-date

Removing a field

  • The field will be removed automatically from the profiles and the users don't receive a notification.
  • After deleting a field, the preview data is still stored in the startup and cofounder reports that can be exported in setup>startups>startup/founder report (in the upper right corner of the page)

Adding a new field

  • When you add a new field, your users and startups will receive a notification to check and/or fill the new field added automatically in their profile.
  • If you have assigned the new fields for some roles or programs, just these specific users will receive an update field notification and will have their profiles changed.
  • The data of the new field is also stored in the startup and cofounder reports




Notifications on changes

  • All users and startups assigned in the field are notified when a new field is added to their profile.
  • When a field is required, the users receive 2 notifications: one as a task and another one to see the required information.


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Making a question required

  • To make a question required, turn on the button in the field you want to make required.

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Users and startups will receive a notification to complete the new required field as a new task generated automatically. When users click on the task, the system redirects them to the profile that needs to update the information. Once they fill the new field and save it, the task will be marked automatically as complete.


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