DocsFounderMy Startup

Activities Tab - Startup File

How to interact with the Activities Tab of the Startup File

Activities Tab - Startup file

The Activities tab is the default first page of your Startup File. It's a log of activities by co-founder(s), and their connections in the incubator. 


On the right panel of the Startup File page, in the connections section, you will find community members that are connected to the startup. These connections will have access to the startup file and can invite the co-founder(s) for meetings, post notes or send emails.

Startup File - Activities Tab.png


What Can I See in the Activities tab?

Coaching Sessions: This tab contains the details of past coaching sessions. During the session, the founder and coach may take notes. The coach can edit the start and end times and the attendees.

Startup File - Activities Tab - Coaching Sessions.png


Comments: You can use this to post notes either to yourself or to your connections e.g. mentors. Simply click on the Post Note button and write your note/message, attach documents, and tag people by simply adding the @ symbol followed by the name, and then post it to your timeline. Once posted, the author can be edit or delete.

Startup File - Activities Tab - Comments.png


Data Reporting: this section replfects the metrics and data collected. 

Startup File - Activities Tab - Data Reporting.png


Emails: This section is a log of the emails sent from the platform. 

Startup File - Activities Tab - Emails.png


Upcoming events: Includes a list of events you've registered for and scheduled meetings. 

Startup File - Activities Tab - Upcoming Events.png


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