DocsFounderPersonal Account

Tasks overview for users

Learn about the various types of tasks in AcceleratorApp

Getting to your task section

In your account on the left side menu, you click on the Tasks menu item.

Tasks List

Active Tasks

The first tab in the tasks section is MY ACTIVE TASKS. In descending order, you can see your tasks that are OVERDUE due TODAY, and due sometime in the FUTURE.

Completed Tasks

The second tab in the task section is MY COMPLETED TASKS. Here, you can see the tasks that you have assigned to others and to yourself which have been completed.

Assigned Tasks

The third tab in the task section is TASKS ASSIGNED BY ME TO OTHERS. This tab lists all the pending tasks that you have assigned. You can reassign the tasks you manually generated by clicking the edit icon on the far right of the task.

Creating a task for yourself

In your account, you can create a task for yourself by click on the blue button Add Task. When you click on the button, a pop-up window will show up where you will be to name your task, select a due date, and assign it to yourself from the dropdown menu Assigned to. From that dropdown menu, you can search it by typing your name. Once you have selected yourself, click on the blue button Save.

If you wish to cancel creating a task, you can click on the grey button Cancel.

Received tasks

If someone assigns a task to you, it will show in your list of tasks, and you will receive a notification letting you know of this new assignation.

The task will also display who has assigned the task to you.

Tasks Overview.png

Sending a task to someone else

You may need to assign a task to someone else in the organization. Depending on your user type, the assigned task might be sent as a request to another user that may accept or deny your request to do what you have asked. Either way, you will be notified.

Automated tasks

As a user, you may receive tasks that you can't click away and have an "A" in the checkbox. These are automated tasks assigned by AcceleratorApp based on some processes that are set up by incubator or accelerator. To complete the task, click on the task and follow the direction of the task.