Profile skills

Learn how to add professional experience to your account in AcceleratorApp

Adding & editing skills to user profile

Why skills

Skills help you tell others in AcceleratorApp a little bit about your professional competencies. They also help others find you based on those competencies, since skills are searchable in the Search Community.

Getting to your profile

First navigate to your profile by clicking on the My Profile section on the left side menu. That will lead you to your profile page.

Adding skills to your profile

From My Profile scroll to the Ask Me About section. From here click on the button + Add Skill. Once you click on that button the skill editor will open up where the button was.

In there you will be able to add the name of the skill you want to add in the Skill input. Below that input box you will see a grey bar named Experience & Competency. This bar represent your self rated level of expertise corresponding to the skill you are adding. This scale is on a level of 1 to 10.

Click on the bar or drag the grey round dot to the level that corresponds to your expertise. While you do that the rating out of 10 will adjust and will be displayed just to the right of the Experience & Competency bar.

Once you are done click on the blue Save button to save the information to your profile.

If you want wish to cancel the creation of the skill simply click on the Cancel button.


Editing you skills on your profile

From My Profile scroll to the Ask Me About section. From here click on the skill you want to edit. Once you click on that button the skill editor will open up just below the skills section.

In there you will be able to edit the name of the skill you want to edit from the Skill input. Below that input box you will see a grey bar named Experience & Competency. This bar represent your self rated level of expertise corresponding to the skill you are adding. This scale is on a level of 1 to 10.

Click on the bar or drag the grey round dot to the level that corresponds to your expertise. While you do that the rating out of 10 will adjust and will be displayed just to the right of the Experience & Competency bar.

Once you are done click on the blue Save button to save the information to your profile.

If you want wish to cancel the creation of the skill simply click on the Cancel button.

If you wish to delete the skill altogether click on the red Delete button.