Receiving tasks

Receiving a task in AcceleratorApp

Receiving a task and what to do about it

Getting to your task section

In your account on the left side menu, you click on the Tasks menu item.


Every time you receive a task, a notification will be sent to you. You can click on the notification to go to your Task section.

Automated tasks

Receiving an automated task will follow the same process as a regular one. However, the task will be assigned directly, and you will not be able to tick them off. Each automated task requires a specific set of actions from you. Do them, and the task will be completed.

Request versus directly assigned

Depending on who sent the task to you, the task assigned to you will either be a request for you to accept or deny, or it will be automatically assigned in your to do list.

  • As admin: all tasks received will be requests unless they are assigned by another admin.
  • As coach: tasks received from an admin and from other coaches will be assigned as tasks directly while others will be sent as request.
  • As staff: tasks received from an admin, coaches, and other staff will be assigned as tasks directly, while others will be sent as requests.

Accepting a request

If you accept the request, it will be moved from a request to a task in your task list. Further on a notification will be sent to the user who assigned this task to you, letting them know you have accepted the request.

Deny a request

If you deny a request, it will be closed, and no task will be added to your task list. Further on a notification will be sent to the user who assigned this task to you, letting them know you have denied their request.