Mentor / Expert management

Learn how to manage your mentors and experts within AcceleratorApp

Mentors and Experts

The Mentors and Experts roles are part of the network users, and their access to data and interaction with the community depends on the administrator's assignation.

Mentors and Experts can be assigned to participate in different processes, such as:

  • Application Process: The mentor/expert can be assigned as evaluators of your calls; in this way, they will have temporary access to those applications to evaluate them in their assigned rounds. To know more about this, click here
  • Interaction with Startups: Mentors and experts will have access to startup files in the startup portfolio and can access company data, manage reservations, take notes and evaluate meetings, leave messages, and much more through the mentor assignation. To know more about it, click here.

Ways to manage scheduling between mentors/experts and startups

Mentors and Experts will be able to set up their availabilities slots in Availability AcceleratorApp's Calendar to have meetings with startups, then startups will be able to book sessions in three ways:

1. Direct connections: Startups can go to the profiles of the mentors/experts assigned to work with them to book meetings from there. This option will depend on the coaching preferences and availability they have established. 


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2. 1:1 Sessions (office hours): From the events section, you can create one-to-one sessions where the availability of the event host will be displayed, and startups can go to the event from their account and select the slots that best suit them. To know more about it, click here.


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